
wow, glad im done for a few days

I finished my finals on Thursday, got moved into my room in newton on Thursday night(room 349) and i got to spend some time with my friends.

Friday was a relaxing day, eve and i went down to nappa, hit up INO and went to target to get some more odds and ends for her new place. After we went to the pet shop to look for a new fish bowl. We found a bowl and went to go look at some of the few small pets they have. we saw two very small and cute dwarf hamsters. Eve bought the hamsters and the whole set up for them, even 2 little balls so they can roll around her room for fun.

now its Saturday and i am going head to church, later i will post some of the pictures i have from the last week, i just have to find some time


Pictures and things to come

I havnt had much time this week to get anything done, but now the weeks over and my last project has been turned in

i will update my blog with a few pictures and info about events that have happend in the last month


Dead week coming up

well, its getting closer and closer to finals week, and now dead week is just around the corner. Ladened with lots of studying and projects to finish for just about everyone on campus, dead week has a reputation of making the campus seem...dead at my school.

My own finals are going be hard, Organic chem being the hardest is going to be cumulative over the whole year. Bio is over the quarter, and my religion class is only over stuff since the midterm.

dont have any pictures that are interesting of me at the moment, but heres my feet